Thursday, May 26, 2016

Highlighted artist - Lorenzo Martínez

Born Álvaro Lorenzo Martínez Gómez en Pudahuel, Santiago de Chile

Born in Santiago, Chile, Lorenzo has dedicated his life to creating and sharing art. His early formation was based in differential education. Ever a dancer, Lorenzo developed himself in choreography, design, and art direction thereafter. This background has lead to his specialty of teaching dance, theater, and social skills to children through the disciplines of dance. Martínez carries an advanced degree in art direction from Universidad Mayor as well as several other certifications having to do with this field. 

A performance with 6Degrees Collaborative
Wardrobe fitting for a fashion story video/photo shoot
Currently, this multidisciplinary artist resides in Denver, Colorado where he works in public schools sharing the importance of art, theater, and dance. He also performs with two companies, 6Degrees Collaborative and Transition Theater.  The former of which focuses on modern dance interpretation, and the latter is an innovative collection of live art, music, dance, and theatre with an added technology element. You can learn more about his dance by attending one of his modern dance classes or seeing him perform with the two previously mentioned dance companies. The Chilean performer hosts dance presentations, takes part in judging panels, and serves as an art director consultant for grand events around Denver. 

Kali Creates Fate - Transition Theater

In his free time, he studies other types of art and seeks to collaborate with new styles. He´s organized artistic festivals to unite cultures and share each of the people´s talents. Lorenzo Martínez continues to live his mission of brining contemporary art to people or sectors where there is limited access.

Text "Lorenzo" to 720-4-MODERN to learn more about Lorenzo´s classes, performances, or talent booking. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Modern Dance

Modern Dance

Modern dance is classic ballet restructured. It works on lines, contractions, and the interpretation of the dancer. It can be said that it´s the perfect combination between the body, mind, and spirituality.

Text "dance" to 720-4-MODERN to learn more about modern dance classes, performances, or other opportunities. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Miss Potreros 2016

Miss Potreros 2016

Parallel Artistic, respected in artistic productions, was invited to El Potrero Nightclub on May 22, 2016 to make up part of the judging panel for Miss Potrero 2016. Internationally recognized art director, Lorenzo Martínez, recent participant on the televised competition series "Tengo Talento Mucho Talento," Xitlali, and the director of Parallel Artistic, Abram Palmer enjoyed a night full of incredibly artistic aptitude and spectacular presentations. The show was made up of a fantasy costume demonstration, a talent performance, and a stunning evening gown display. Tahanny Raii kicked off the show with a geisha-inspired wardrobe accompanied by a team of pleasant young ladies sharing the design theme. The performer flirted with the audience a bit before revealing an additional element of her wardrobe. Standing in the middle of the floor, Tahanny unveiled a peacock umbrella of appropriately decorated green fabric and embraced her fierceness. 

Tahanny Raii - Fantasy Costume 
The two hosts, Mariah Spanic and Janet Guillien, each deserved winners of past competitions, ushered us to the next contestant, Yeyo Yon. If Tahanny had brought company with her, Yeyo had a crowd.  Perhaps a dozen or more performers came to the floor each with a handful of props and elaborate costume and made way for Yeyo Yon. Of course, just a simple costume will not do when the prize of Miss Potrero is at stake. There was a mid-performance reveal. Though not as spectacular as Tahanny, Yeyo flapped her butterfly wings to dazzle the audience. 

Yeyo Yon - Fantasy Costume
While the two finalists competing for the crown served some great looks, the consistent greatness of the two beautiful hosts carried the night. Janet and Mariah entertained the audience, moved the show at a great pace, and even translated their Spanish humor to English so that the few gringos in attendance could better enjoy the night. In between her hosting duties, Mariah Spanic thrilled us with two great performances and a full (and a half) wardrobe change. The former of which occurred on stage in full sight of the onlooking crowd.  
Janet Guillen and Mariah Spanic
Tahanny Raii - Evening Gown
Yeyo Yon - Evening Gown
Invited guest performance

Tahanny Raii - Talent
Artistic greatness continued as invited guests took the stage to show their talent. They each performed a lipsync to a song or two dressed in their well-designed and styled outfits. Where the competition really took off was during the talent portion. Tahanny served three different looks complete with heavy accessories for each. First, a dragon composed of about seven segments entered the room to later reveal a lipsyncing diva giving great face and flirty eyes. The expected costume change consisted of a rainbow theme corset and five-foot wide, three-foot tall headpiece attached to the smooth dancer´s head. One would think that this would be enough to suffice the hunger for entertainment of the audience. Just to spice things up, perhaps a hundred color-matching balloons fell from the sky while the dancers and Tahanny kept moving to the pumping beats. 

Yeyo had a different theme in mind. It consisted of an incredibly well-choreographed and rehearsed show of four male dancers along with herself. The performance showed rang, difficulty, grit, and amazing artistry. They danced in sync, separately, with Yeyo, and ultimately lifted this drag beauty so that her adoring audience could watch her take the crown. 

Each contestant had high points, and there was no loser. Anyone in attendance left the night feeling inspired and completely entertained. Both Yeyo and Tahanny have an amazing fan base, a great team, and well-developed talent. I wish them luck and look forward to seeing them in action again.